Reveil Matinal Orphanage Foundation (RMOF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that rescues, loves and takes care of orphaned children. It was founded in 2007 in Queens, New York, however the orphanage itself is located in Port-au-Prince in Haiti.

As per today we are blessed to have 32 girls at our orphanage, where they receive medical, psycho-social and educational assessments all carried out by professionals who visit as volunteers.


“Our goal is to provide the children with adequate shelter, a good education, good health care, nutritious meals, clean water and competent staff to ensure their education and their safety. We want our beneficiaries to have a better tomorrow and a positive behavior wherever they choose to live.”



  1. Pray – the first thing we ask you to do is to pray for our children, as we are God’s answer to the orphans.
  2. Donate – with your gift, our children will receive food, education, medical care, shelter, and lots of love. To make a donation today, please click here.
  3. Spread the word – The more people that are aware of our efforts, the more orphans we will be able to help.


  • Over the next two years, 16 of our girls at the orphanage are turning 18.
  • Social Services requires that they move out, but they have nowhere to go.
  • They have a few years left before they graduate from High School.
  • The Maison Des Jasmins project will ensure they can finish their studies–without worrying about their next meal, or a roof over their head.
  • The project is a 3-year commitment to support these 16 women. By 2021, Maison des Jasmins will be self-sustaining and will no longer need sponsors.


Who will be paying for the girls' education and school supplies?

School expenses are paid for by the small non-profit organization Hearthstone Village, based in Ukiah California. They are committed to getting every girl in the orphanage through high school. They have also committed to paying for their college expenses or vocational training, depending on the individual’s chosen career path.

There are 16 women turning 18 this year, but what about when the others come of age?

The plan is to have a small business (wedding rentals) attached to the Maison that will ultimately allow the home to be self-sustaining by year 3

There are so many organizations already in Haiti. Why should I give to this project?

100% of your donation goes to support these women. This project is facilitated by volunteers, with no paid staff. You will have a personal relationship with the woman that you are helping and will be able to see the full impact of your donation. Larger organizations cannot guarantee anything like this.


  • You can either become give a one-time donation towards the project, or become a monthly sponsor to one of the girls. Either of these options can be done at https://michaelhlandecker.wixsite.com/desjasmins 
  • As a sponsor you will be receving updates from Maison des Jasmins as the women continue their education and begin their life as adults in Haiti. You will also be able to exchange letters and photos with your sponsored young woman.
  • For any further information about the project or sponsorship opportunities please visit https://michaelhlandecker.wixsite.com/desjasmins or email MaisonDesJasmins@gmail.com.